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First letter from Irene Whelan to David Whelan, Summer 2003

Irene Whelan was in the care of the Porteous household for five weeks only with her brother David in all her time in Quarriers Homes. In April 1971 she was removed from Quarriers Homes after a serious physical assault on her by John Porteous which she reported to Mr J Mortimer at the time.

Dear David,

I hope all is well and you receive this letter. I have been very worried about you as I have tried to contact you on various occasions, also I have come out to the house a few times but never seem to get any reply.

I don't know if you know but I had the BBC from Scotland come to my house asking questions about when we were in Quarriers Homes and about sexual assaults and physical abuse. I gave them my side of the story although I never told everything. They were asking questions about you and I told them that you had no reason to be confused and accuse anyone of something if the person never did it.

Also they asked some questions about the time we lived in Drumchapel with the monster. I told them some of it not all of it. Anyhow I received this video from Quarriers and it showed how John Porteous was jailed for eight years for sexual assaults and the rest. One thing is for sure, I disagree with anyone who sexually assaults children because I find the person despicable. Being forced to do things you do not want to do is awful when you are a child. I do have my fair share of experiences as you well know and hopefully understand.

Helen (Porteous) wrote asking to help her as they want an appeal for John to get out. God almighty I think it is appalling because that type of person is a pervert and completely lies about what they do. To be quite honest I just want to let you know that I am against that type of person. If I had my way I would knock that John Porteous out because I was subjected to plenty of abuse from him. I think they think that I cannot remember but believe me I do.

Also I remember all the abuse that I was subjected to in Drumchapel and hated it - just like yourself, I guess you remember it. I just want to let you know how I feel. I do worry about you and hate not seeing anybody in the family. I am still working in the home and get a lot of support and help in my job from the people at work, but when it comes to the house I do everything myself. It is a lot of hard work and not all a bed of roses. Are you still with xxxxxx and if you are give xxx my regards. Please let me know if you are alright.

Love Irene

NOTE: Both of Irene's letter were given to the Procurator Fiscal.

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